Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why I Started Blogging

First and foremost, this blog is for me.  It is for me to hold myself accountable for all the things I said I would do this year (lose five pounds, exercise more, learn new things, get out and about, and my progress as a FLYbaby) It is for me to keep in touch with those near and dear to me--not that I would say no to some new blog friends!  It is for me to get back in touch with my inner writer and write about a variety of things, in a variety of styles.  It is for me to share what I am doing/learning/writing/reading with others who will find it funny/interesting/helpful/a good way to keep up with things in my life.  It is for me to broaden my horizons and become more knowledgeable about...well, anything and everything!

I was also tremendously inspired to try blogging by a few of my friends, whose blogs I read: who is a riot, as well as a writer extraordinaire and fantastic friend; who is a brilliant, scientific swing dancing friend with a flair for what tastes great; and who is a hard-working mom with lots of great craft ideas and ways to make your home look great!

I do not have a set schedule of postings yet.  I will be working on figuring out when I have time in my weeks to write in the first month.  I already have a few ideas of things I would eventually like to do with this blog (set up a few days each month that have set themes for postings/do an A-Z series of posts).

What About You?  Why did you start your blog/if you do not have a blog what would you write about if you did?  What are your favorite blogs to read?


  1. Ahhhhh YOU STARTED A BLOG!! Hooray! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

    1. Are you doing the April A-Z Challenge? I'm thinking about signing up again. It was totally nuts last year but I'm thinking of doing a lot in advance and scheduling this year. And probably much shorter posts.

    2. The FLYbaby thing looks neat. I could stand to do a lot of that, but I also don't think that non-metal sinks are really capable of shining, so maybe that'll be a 2013 goal if I have a metal sink then. :)

    3. Awww you said super nice things about me :) My day is now complete.

    Oh and to answer your post question -- I initially started my blog in 2009 in order to share short stories I was writing. However, nobody really was reading it and I have removed most of those posts. (They were bad.) I started writing more about random things I found interesting and sometimes other people liked them too so I'm just going with that. I'm doing the series about other writers' writing spaces because I like to learn about what other people like me are doing and how that affects their habits (and possibly pick up some tips from them) -- also it gives me a quasi-schedule and I probably wouldn't be committed enough to blog twice a week if I didn't have one set day. (See all of October and most of November.)

    I like reading blogs where people sort of just talk about what they're interested in. Some of my favorites are more like journals.

    1. Wow unintentionally insanely long comment. I was excited to see your blog. It looks nice, and the name is clever. I think this post is a good idea too -- it's like your mission statement! I probably wouldn't have drifted in the ether for so long if I'd had a mission statement or goals whatsoever. Also, I love reading your writing, and I'm looking forward to your posts! (FWIW, it looks good in Reader too.)

  2. Thanks for the love! I started mine for the heck of it, to share what I ate, to talk about a big transition in my life (to genetic counseling school), to put myself out there, for fun. I started it for lots of reasons obviously but I continue it because I found it enriches my life. I truly enjoy doing it and it helps me unwind after the whole day. Can't wait to read your posts!
