Sunday, July 22, 2012

House Update

I know I have not posted anything on my house in forever.  I believe I left off on the pictures of all the cat craziness and sanding.  We had a LOT of help with the painting by throwing a painting party!  The rules of a painting party are these:  workers will be paid in food and beer, have fun, and get the place painted!

Our friends Lauren, Phil, and Callie all came from out of state to visit and help paint.  It was great to see them all, and they were all quite the help!  Our local friends Matt and Theresa also helped Thomas and I to get a lot of wall/ceiling covered in a pretty short amount of time.  I think we all had fun, and a lot of painting got done!

Lauren taping off our bathroom vanity.

The boys attempting to reattach the light/fan fixture in the living room...there was a lot of cursing done by Thomas.  I also believe there was a threat on my life when I took this picture...something Thomas said about hoping I died in a fire or something...he was so unhappy.

Theresa cheerfully painting the kitchen yellow! 

Lauren painting the accent wall in our bedroom.
 Overall, I think everyone had a decent time getting to hang out and paint, we did not pain all weekend though!  We also took a break to watch The Avengers in the theater down the street from our house and went to the local Arboretum to enjoy the nice weather and see the beautiful flowers.

I love visiting the arboretum and introducing other people to it.  The flowers are always changing and they have so many different types of gardens--my favorite is the pollinator garden, with the rose garden next in line.  

What About You?  Do you enjoy painting?  What about the other aspects of painting (sanding, taping, etc)?  What are your favorite types of gardens?

1 comment:

  1. i do not paint and love to have a freshly painted room but hate all the mess and my husband does a good job but doesn't always prepare as he should---i love those flowers!!
